Mar 17Liked by M R Prasanna

Great topic Prasanna! Trojan horses come into our daily lives in many avatars. They could even be routines that seem a good social practice to gain acceptance / popularity but eat away at fairness and honesty to leave an insidious appetite for gossip and intolerance.

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Excellent observations. Thank you.

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Truly so Prasanna. Good morning!

At times we ourselves are a Trojan to ourselves. Meaning, need to deep dive internally to understand more about ourselves and become strong, before we are capable enough to first understand and then confront the Trojans.

Having said this, I remember a very interesting saying …. If we keep our main doors open without any protection,then the karma of a thief will induce him to steal, but the dharma of residents is to stay alert….

So it’s paramount to awaken our inner subconscious, and try to remain in a state of conscious.

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Good Morning Mr Prasanna. Everyone must read this post daily atleast once as it is most useful and relevant. Some of the quotes you have included are very realistic these days. The irony is most educated intelligent people fall for fraud easily. Regards Cdr

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Thank you Sir for the home truths.

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A great warning....to be always careful of Trojan horses..never know when we can fall prey. Keep them at bay as advised. I really didn't know about the meaning or background of Trojan horse ...I loved the article. Everyday one learns something new.

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Thank you Rita for the insightful comments.

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Ohh yes! I did encounter a Trojan. There was a client of Bank of America, Chennai where I worked in the 1970s. A professor, no less. Some 10 years later after I had moved to Bangalore, this man comes home (how on earth did he find my address? But of course we had telephone directories, stupid!).

Well, he sat and had tea and was charming, telling me he needed help, he had lost his wallet, so could I lend him some money? I had only Rs.1000 at home (thankfully) and I gave him that money. You must attend my talk at IIM, he said, giving me 2 phone numbers. Needless to say, when I called up that evening, both numbers were unreachable!!

Prasanna, you come up with such interesting and intriguing topics for your FC. Bless you and have a good day!

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Thank you for sharing your Trojan experience..

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